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Sunday, July 31, 2011


This is the first day I post to this blog and I find myself obsessively looking at stats and any comments, to see if anyone is visiting.  I have fears that I don't know what I'm doing, that the blog looks amateurish, that people won't read or care.  I have urges to continue to change things around, and feel downright incompetent when I look at the blogs of others.  I'm driving myself to distraction trying to figure out how people will even find this blog to read it!  I've looked at the blogger site for ways to search for other people's blogs, but can't find a way to do it.  Is finding other peoples blogs just a hit-or-miss thing?  More questions than answers right now about the technical aspects of being a proud new owner of a bouncing baby blog!  Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated.  Also, just because Im not sure how this works, and I hope to post several images in the future, this is just a test image within this posting... here goes!

The Answer to the American Obesity Epidemic
Well, that was easy enough!  Can't wait to juice these babies and then figure out how to make veggie crackers with the dried out pulp!  

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